It feels quite reassuring that I made it through a couple of the biggest drinking days of the year (Blackout Wednesday and Thanksgiving) AND a night in the mountains with beer in the fridge. This was made more challenging by Thursday Night Football being on tv. But I made it through this latest challenge without a scratch, ding, or blemish.
Zero ; Double Dime ; M: 170 ; C: 132 ; P/U: Rest ; W: 5 mi
No Weigh In – Mountains
The Challenge Ahead
Now the challenge before me is another night in the mountains with my wife’s pot smoking and hard partying family. I am so close to my ‘Thrice Lucky’ but I’m a little nervous the mounting temptations might throw me off course.
I am planning to have a couple of beers tomorrow. But there is no way I will sacrifice my pot sobriety at this point. There’s no way in hell even though I expect to be offered pot many times over the ensuing 48 hours.
Drinkie Lurks In The Shadows
After twenty days of full sobriety, Drinkie’s voice has been relegated to the shadows. It has lost both decibel volume, frequency, and ability to hook my attention. But make no mistake, he’s still there, and I feel him getting ready to pounce.
While I am more confident about my sobriety than I’ve ever been, having prepared for this moment, there is a little piece of me that fears the challenge of the day ahead.
Let the countdown begin…
Oh, the challenges of being Sober On A Drunk Planet!