Well, that’s a ‘Dime’ and another sobriety milestone achieved. It’s also worth mentioning I’m at six ‘+’ (sugar free) days. Somehow, I actually gained 0.6 pounds, but I’m fairly certain that’s because I may have inadvertently triggered my body’s ‘starvation’ response. I’ll probably cheat today and treat myself to a frozen yogurt or something. Sometimes this tactic can send the ‘all clear’ signal and fool the body into thinking the famine is over. But, as I’ll cover shortly, while weight continues to be a struggle, I’m beginning to see some legit sobriety results manifesting themselves all over the place. Though, I must admit, I had a very weird experience with rubbing alcohol…
Zero+ ; Dime ; M: 85 ; C: 48 ; P/U: 50 ; W : 4 miles
Health R.O.S.
- Weight: 217.6 pounds
- BMI: 29.4
- Fat %: 22.7
I have no intention of breaking my beer free streak today. My goal is to make it to at least a dozen days. That will take me through tomorrow. I may decide to have a few beers on Friday, or not, if the desire to do so is absent.
Last night I had a strange and somewhat disturbing experience. While applying rubbing alcohol to a pimple on the back of my neck, for a fleeting instant, I actually considered tasting it. Immediately, my rational mind rode to the rescue and prevented me from going through with it. I mean, shit, I’m not Kitty Dukakis for crying out loud! I’m obviously never going to drink rubbing alcohol, but that passing urge gave me pause.
You know that alcohol has deep subconscious roots when such a thought crosses one’s mind. I’ll be meditating on this heavily in an effort to dislodge it. Crazy!
Beyond Drinking Rubbing Alcohol
On a lighter note, as I mentioned I’m starting to see some legitimate results from my sobriety. The biggest is my sleep. I’ve been sleeping sooooo much better and waking rested most days. I’m experiencing less inflammation and therefore, less joint, knee, and lower back pain. As a result of these physical improvements, I’m more focused and more productive. My daily walks are pleasurable again without right knee pain dogging my every step.
And while I used that now notorious rubbing alcohol to treat a pimple, it’s the only pimple I have left! It turns out that all of my acne (back-ne, and chest-ne) has entirely resolved. Not that I was all that terrible before, but I’m in my fifties. Shouldn’t I have wrapped the whole acne thing 30 years ago? Well, apparently, I’m no longer a teenager. About time!
I’m considering adding my financial savings from not having to buy rubbing alcohol to treat pimples to my ReturnOnSobriety investment portfolio. Just kidding, but in all seriousness, losing the acne is a really nice and unexpected benefit of sobriety and diet modification. After all, your skin is your largest organ and when it’s looking healthier and feeling healthier, it’s often a reflection of what’s going on inside your body. Chalk it up as a win.
My intention today is to get to ’11teen’. That means another ‘Zero’ day ahead, though I may relinquish the ‘+’ to kick my metabolism into high(er) gear.
Always do sober what you said you’d do when you were drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut!
– Earnest Hemingway