Another Zero day makes it a Quartet. I’m setting my intention on a Nickel, which squarely places me 5/7th of the way to my first Lucky. Not been so lucky with the sugar, though. I really need to get on top of that.
I’ve written about this whole sugar and ‘addiction transfer’ problem previously. For the past several weeks, it’s been a pretty big crutch for me. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I never considered sugar swapping to be a long term solution to alcohol addiction.
Therefore, starting immediately, I aspire to drastically reduce my refined sweets intake. To track this in the blog, I’m going to add a ‘+’ after Zero to indicate that I was both intoxicant and sugar free the previous day. It’ll look like this: Zero+.
As an added incentive to keep sugar and alcohol at bay, I’m going to buy a scale and begin tracking my weight daily. I’m planning to call my weight loss and fitness plan my ‘Health R.O.S.’ The primary components of the plan will consist of exercise, weight training, and strategies I learned from The Plant Paradox. This way of eating (I hate to call it a diet because it’s so much more than that) helped me lose 45 pounds in 2018, so I know it works. I will be including a full review of The Plant Paradox and it’s core principles in an upcoming post.
Last time I weighed myself I was in the neighborhood of 230, so this should be interesting. That’s 15 pounds below where I was the last time I started The Plant Paradox. I’m thinking I’m less than 230 currently because I’ve cut back so much on the drinking. I’ve actually lost a belt loop! I don’t want to guess what my weight might be. I’ll find out tomorrow when the scale arrives.
Today’s goal – Go for a Nickel.
Jump to the Day 19.