During the course of my sobriety journey, I often needed a good laugh or just a little inspiration. Fortunately, I didn’t need to look far. The internet is chock full of funny sober quotes, proud sober quotes, and plenty of quotes on getting sober and staying that way.
There are literally hundreds of pages of quotes to peruse. So I’ve taken the liberty of curating my favorite sobriety quotes to give you a laugh, allow you to pat yourself on the back for a job well done, or find inspiration as you embark upon your own sobriety journey.
I’ve organized this blog into three sections. The first section will highlight my favorite proud sober quotes. The second will pivot to funny sober quotes and I’ll wrap this post with an assortment of getting sober quotes. I will limit this funny and proud sober quotes blog to just five of each, otherwise, it’ll scroll on forever!
Of course, I may be inspired to create more of these sober quote posts just like I was for Dry January. But for now, this is what I’ve managed to pull together.
Feel free to skip around to whichever section you’d like to begin with or read them in order. Whatever you prefer. Download, save, and share as you please.
Proud Sober Quotes
#1 Proud Sober Quote: “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but if you’re staying sober, I’m proud of you!”

Proud Sober Quote #2: “Be proud of yourself for getting through today sober!”

#3 Proud Sober Quote: “If you’re doing the sober thing and it feels like nobody cares, I do and I’m so proud of you!”

Proud Sober Quote #4: “Be Sober. Make Your Kids Proud.”

Proud Sober Quote #5: “Don’t wait until you’ve reached your goal to be proud of yourself. Be proud every step of the way.”

And Now Some Funny Ones
#1 Funny Sober Quote: “I got 99 problems, but a hangover ain’t one!”

Funny Sober Quote #2: “If I drink Alcohol, I am an Alcoholic, but if I drink Fanta, does that make me FANTASTIC?”

Funny Sober Quote #3: “Always do SOBER what you say you’ll do DRUNK. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.” – Ernest Hemingway

Funny Sober Quote #4: “Heck yes I’m freakin’ sober! Gosh!”

Funny Sober Quote #5: “I’m clean and sober for over a year and no one seems to care! They’re like ,’Oh, her dramatic weight gain.’ So, stop making fun of me!” – Courtney Love

Getting Sober Quotes for Inspiration
Getting Sober Quote #1: “I chose sober because I wanted a better life. I stay sober because I got one!”

#2 Getting Sober Quote: “The gift of sobriety is clarity and a sense of connection.” – J Maarten Troost

Getting Sober Quote #3: “Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help, and brave enough to ask for it.”

Getting Sober Quote #4: “Sober up, and see and hear everything you’d been able to avoid hearing before.” – Sammy Davis, Jr.

#5 Getting Sober Quote: “The first thing you put ahead of your sobriety will be the second thing you lose.”

This last getting sober quote is a powerful one and one that motivates me everyday. Because it’s like a row of dominoes. Once the first one goes…
But, even if you mess up, you can pick it back up where you left off. Just like the old Japanese saying:
“Fall down seven times, Get up eight times.”

Because falling down isn’t the problem. Failing to get back up is. Sometimes we have to fail forward. Just keep after it! I know you can do it!