7 Powerful Health Habits I Love In The Longevity Paradox
My first go around with The Plant & Longevity Paradox books in 2018 resulted in my losing 45 pounds in five months and seeing a number of my maladies resolve.
My first go around with The Plant & Longevity Paradox books in 2018 resulted in my losing 45 pounds in five months and seeing a number of my maladies resolve.
Sure, I had read articles about how meditation slowed brain aging, calmed anxiety, and helped those who practiced it to be more mindful, grateful, and present, but was it for me? Could it help me with my gray area drinking problem? That’s what I really wanted to know. If it could do that, anything else it provided would be a bonus.
Let me begin by saying that I’m not suggesting those with drinking problems run out to the candy aisle and binge on sugar until they’ve given themselves diabetes. You should never change your diet without the advice of a dietician or your doctor (okay, now that my lawyers feel better, let’s continue).
…anyway, I had to address, solve, or contend with one hairy problem after another. It was just one of THOSE Mondays. By mid afternoon, all I wanted was a drink. The fact that I was planning to watch Monday Night Football allowed Drinkie to take a little crack in the door and blow it wide open.
According to WebMD’s article How to Gain Muscle Mass After 50, most people see their muscle mass decline 3-5% per decade after their 30th birthday! I had no idea that between age 30 and 50, I’d lose up to 10% of my muscle mass.
“There is neither heaven nor earth,
Only snow,
Falling incessantly”
© 2025 — ReturnOnSobriety
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